jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013


 The neuromarketing towards the construction of a concept from neuroeconomics.

The analysis tool neuromarketing pop neuroeconomics seeks to explain how the human brain is involved in the different uses and consumption of man, either to maximize profits in a logical, rational, or too impulsive pleasure product of all emotions that invade the human brain, and all corporeality. In many cases human consumption is subjective and unpredictable as suggested by classical economics with its principle of "maximizing profits while minimizing expenses.

From this perspective the interdisciplinary connection between economics, neuroscience and biology to a greater understanding of these processes related to supply and consumption posed Microeconomics. From the Behavioral Biology has tried to show that any biological system maximizes the evolving capacity, especially in relation to the achievement of food and sexual life. In this way the gold from the economic point of view is to find food in an efficient manner, where only the smartest, and best shape, get it. This process from the Darwinian point of view, it is called "natural selection". Thus biological principle, an animal must expend little energy as he could, to get as much food likely. In this regard, current theories on the biological symbiosis or sociological level cooperation could counter this type of optimization model - deterministic. Recall that for Pascal understand the world of life also requires probabilistic calculations, unlike Descartes said that only the world could be understood as deterministic models poses Classical Economics.

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